Pun Intended!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Stuff from the Singapore Armed Forces

1. My friend works in the intelligence. I wonder if he has become any smarter. Must be rather challenging for him

2. Which 2 items in the field pack are used by aliens? E.T stick and blade (E.T - Entrenching Tool)

3. Lots of chairs were required for the SIT Test (Short for SITuational Test)

4. Where are talented drawers posted to? Arty (Short for Artillery)

5. When a Captain or someone higher in rank wants to make a 2-bar lieutenant do push ups, he cannot say "half-left down"; he must say "full-left down" (2-bar lieutenant is often referred to as a full-lieutenant, pronounced "full left")

6. Which small plant do militaries send to fight wars? Infant-tree (Infantry)

7. (From no. 6) What is a main training exercise for infantry units? Root (Route) marches

8. Which soldiers are the experts in their various fields? Specialists (Perhaps this is more a fact than wordplay)

9. What post do Mats normally hold in the barracks? Bang I/C (Bunk I/C)

10. If you have any questions regarding this theory lesson on the M16 rifle, just shoot.

11. Why are spiders brought outfield? They provide webbing. (The webbing is a vest-like component of our Skeletal Battle Order)

12. Why can soldiers be good carpenters? They drill well

13. Which rank of army personnel are good at leading a team of sportsmen? Captains

14. Which rank of army personnel always cause large problems? Majors

15. Those who sentence others to death? Corporals

16. When do most of the soldiers faint? Passing Out Parade


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